
The ‘secret’ behind the Joker’s facial tattoo? Batman

At times it looked nearly too cartoon-like and not in a good way.


‘You just don’t really get that, like in a big-budget film, ‘ she added.

An angry Redditor has made a decision to sue Warner Bros. because there wasn’t screen-time for The Joker in the Suicide Squad movie, the outcome of Sound reports. However, it can be recalled that among the Suicide Squad members, the Joker and Harley Quinn are the only ones included in the first edition of the Injustice. And that’s it. You can literally lift him out of the film and it would’ve been the same. You won’t have enough to go off of.

Though the release of David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad” was met with another divisive reaction from the fans, there’s no harm in admitting that the movie’s decision to cast Margot Robbie as the Joker’s maniacal girlfriend was anything less than flawless.

What’s the evidence? Well, the obvious one is that scene where Harley literally envisions herself having two children with the Joker. The Joker is also rumored to get his own movie, or will perhaps appear in the confirmed Batman standalone reboot starring, directed and co-written by Ben Affleck. If the Redditor did indeed drive 300 miles to catch the movie, he must have crossed quite a few cinemas on his way, so spending 160 pound on petrol seems like an unnecessary expense anyway. Margot Robbie was good, but Harley Quinn as a character felt lazy. All of the other characters had their moments where they were needed to advance the plot, but for the vast majority of the film they remained in the background.

It’s fair to say DC’s Cinematic Universe has gotten off to a shaky start.


This lines up with the Robin suit we see in Batman v Superman and Bruce Wayne’s crack about “clowns” from that movie. The film did a great job on catching the viewer up nearly instantly. As Ayer explained about the ending to the film, “I don’t want to give stuff away but it’s that anything is possible, and that’s the thing… at the end of the day they’re supervillains and they’re gonna do supervillain stuff”. It’s cool if Justice League is fueled by Suicide Squad’s haters, but David Ayer can leave his creative input in Midway City. At least in the eyes of critics, the film failed to deliver on pretty much all of those fronts.

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