
The Senate is set to vote on the Internet Tax Provision

“We urge President Obama to sign this important legislation to make ITFA permanent once and for all”, said Powell.


The Senate voted Thursday to approve the measure as part of a wide-ranging bill that would also revamp trade laws.

“Allowing taxes on internet access would be a very regressive policy”, Sen.

In an email, Venhuizen said Daugaard wholeheartedly disagrees.

“The federal government shouldn’t be telling the states what their tax structure should be”, he said.

There’s always been general agreement in Congress that taxing access to the Internet is a bad idea and shouldn’t be allowed.

Others, like Republican senator Lamar Alexander, inferred the legislative measure was restrictive to USA citizens.

Still, some lawmakers are unhappy over the trade provisions and because the bill left out a separate, more controversial proposal to let states force online retailers to collect sales taxes for their transactions.

The Senate is also expected to vote Thursday on Leonard Terry Strand’s nomination to be a USA district judge for the northern district of Iowa. In a prepared statement, Noem said the Internet has helped businesses grow and “connected rural areas to the rest of the globe”.

“Right now most Americans pay $0 in taxes to connect to the Internet”, said Oregon Democratic senator Ron Wyden.

Gov. Dennis Daugaard opposed the bill because of the lost revenue, spokesman Tony Venhuizen said. Such legislation has been inspired by a popular sentiment that the Internet should be free, along with Republican opposition to most tax proposals. “Montana is one of a few states that would automatically impose a 3.75 percent tax on Internet access if the moratorium is lifted”. Other states that use the practice include North Dakota, Ohio, Hawaii, New Mexico and Wisconsin.

New legislation to ban internet taxes has been approved in the United States of America, although no progress has been made in regards to internet taxes on mobile devices or on sales taxes on online purchases.

The legislation – especially its trade provisions – has pitted the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups supporting the bill against opponents including the largest U.S. labor federation.


The customs bill beefs up copyright enforcement by giving the Customs and Border Protection office the same authority as the Copyright Office to stop imports of goods that infringe on US copyright protections.

The Senate is set to vote on the Internet Tax Provision