
The Stanley Hotel that inspired The Shining to become horror museum

The 1980 film was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick and was based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name.


The Stanley Hotel’s plans for the $24million development include a museum, exhibition space, production facilities and editing suites. Now that gives me the heebie-jeebies. These aspirations sound really cool but might prove to be a bit challenging as the backers are requesting $11.5 million from the state through Colorado’s Regional Tourism Act.

Another source revealed that the hotel hopes to become a “year-round horror destination”.

Now, the Stanley has plans to add a horror museum to its complex. The hotel’s main claim to fame is the inspiration it had on Stephen King’s The Shining. Copyright Warner Brothers Jack Nicholson starred as Jack Torrance in the film adaptation of “The Shining”. “It was practically built for it”, Wood said in the hotel’s statement.

King stayed at the Stanley while on vacation with his wife in 1974, and a nightmare he had during the stay sparked the idea for The Shining. And, according to the Film Center’s press release, “The film center has an exclusive, educational partnership with the Colorado Film School to create an integrated educational platform for students and the public”.


No word yet on when the Stanley Film Center is slated to open, but the word is in about whether we’ll be visiting, and the word is YESSSSS!! The hotel is now hosting “3 Nights of Fright”, a horror-themed ball, and a scary-movie film festival.

Jack Nicholson peering through the axed-in door in the film'The Shining' 1980