
The Walking Dead Finally Revealed Glenn’s Fate

Fans had become restless when there was no mention of Glenn in the series, but now it seems like the creators have decided on Glenn’s fate and it seems like he is surely going to fall in the clutches of the walking dead. Glenn used this distraction to escape, crawling under a dumpster and fending off the walkers until he was safe.


Warning: The following contains potential spoilers from the graphic novels of “The Walking Dead”. I feel bad that I couldn’t say anything to everyone – family and friends – I’m pretty sure I’ve lost friendships along the way.

Understandably relieved to see Glenn alive, many a fan nonetheless expressed their discontent with the month-long twist, leaving Gimple and Yeun to put in a Talking Dead appearance explaining the intent. There may still be members of The Wolves out there, we have Dwight and Honey (who stole Daryl’s stuff), and that new group that was shooting at the vehicles a couple of episodes ago.

However, Glenn’s name did not appear in the show’s “In Memoriam” segment that shows the victims of that week’s episode. And then they backtracked on it. Glenn getting trapped, falling off the dumpster, apparently dying, was the climax of a three-episode tale that showed off absolutely fantastic storytelling.

The Spoiling Dead Fans does a weekly Q&A with spoilers and their latest round shared how Glenn comes back to us. If so, will she really support Glenn return to Alexandria, or will she turn him over to the Wolves? “I don’t even know how to really take it all”.

The show’s executive producer, Scott Gimple, also revealed the objective behind their move in letting viewers think that Glenn was a goner.

This episode, which ended in disaster despite having opened with a huge payoff for fans, is most of all a showcase for just how shamelessly “The Walking Dead” loves to toy with our emotions. And you know what? Last week, Maggie revealed she was pregnant.

“The Walking Dead” airs Sundays at 9:00 PM ET on AMC.


In a sneak peek scene from the upcoming midseason finale of “The Walking Dead”, Glenn continues his journey back to the other side of Alexandria’s walls with runaway Enid (Katelyn Nacon).

Hi just stopped by to say that I still look pretty good for being a zombie. Also? Check out my indie rock band