
The Walking Dead Season 6 midseason finale teases the arrival of Negan

So far, I’ve been pretty disappointed by the storytelling this season, and the midseason finale doesn’t do much to straighten things out.


Tonight is the midseason finale of “The Walking Dead” on AMC and it is sure to be wonderful! If this is the only way you can view “The Walking Dead” season 6 episode 8 live stream, do not be deterred and the live streaming will work once the ads disappear.

Last week’s episode finally saw how Glenn (Steven Yeun) survived from the wrath of the walkers in episode 3.

During the scramble, Deanna falls and scrapes herself. With the help from Enid, Glenn was able to drink some water.

“I can smile and smile and still be the villain”, Samuel says of his role as the “Alpha Wolf” in The Walking Dead.

Inside Jessie’s home, Michonne treats Deanna’s wound and discovers that Deanna’s also been bitten by a walker.

Her death was a touching moment between her and Rick.

Meanwhile, Carl finds Ron moaning and groaning in the garage. Carl fights back with a jab at Ron’s dead dad, Pete. Take, for instance, Carl and Ron (Chandler Riggs and Austin Abrams) choosing to have their argument now, when anyone could die at any second, and drawing attention to their house, putting everyone in danger. The pair scuffle, and Ron smashes open a window, letting the walkers in. Rick manages to break into the garage and lead boys to safety, rigging furniture to block the door. “I get it, my dad killed your dad”, Carl tells him. The timing couldn’t be better, as many viewers assumed that’s what Glenn did to save himself earlier in the season. How can Rick & Co. save Alexandria? With her husband and her son both dead, and her last remaining son a reckless poser, she’s been suffering from a sort of mental breakdown. Carol fakes having a concussion so that she can slip into the basement and kill the wolf. Eugene, Tara and Rosita just watch helplessly because because Carol and Morgan have knocked each other out. He and the rest of the group would be covering themselves up in a zombie gut to make them appear like walkers instead of humans. Let the walker gutting begin! The plan seems to be working. We know they are in a fuel tanker headed toward Alexandria, and we know they have multiple rockets and an RPG. They were barricaded in Jessie’s house. Those who have read the comic may have some idea of what’s coming next season.

“The Walking Dead” is shown Sundays on AMC at 9PM EST.

He is, as fans of the original comic books will know, the leader of The Saviors, and at the end of “Start to Finish”, AMC teased what’s ahead with a promo that featured Abraham, Sasha and Daryl being confronted by a gang…

Season six started at a small walled community called Alexandria, where Rick and his group of survivors seek refuge with another large group who are living seemingly normal lives. They’re told their property now “belongs to Negan”.


It’s a little cheesy. He has a strong sense of morality despite his incredibly heinous actions in the comic books. However, more questions arise as the midseason finale is just around the corner.

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