
The ‘Wayward Pines’ Finale Twist That Stunned Fans

What are your thoughts on the “Wayward Pinesseries finale?


David watches Ethan as he prepares the bomb. There’s been no word regarding a possible second season of the M. Night Shyamalan drama starring Matt Dillon. The episode, which was titled “Cycle”, really lived up to its name. More on that later. A truck slams into his vehicle, he wakes up in the local hospital, and things start to get really odd. She refuses to help, saying Pilcher will rescue them. Every scene involving her and Ethan was a memorable one. Ben’s words apparently get to her, and she reveals that a western tunnel leads to an elevator that goes up to the mountain complex. Did the Abbies penetrate the walls of the town of Idaho? “We need to discuss preparations for the awakening of Group C”, he tells a horrified Pam. “This town we created is too sick”.

While Pam pleads to have the power turned back on, David instead calls on all security guards to apprehend the town’s surveillance crew as well as Pam. The Abbies quickly make it through the secure door. Those armed begin blowing away the abbies on main street in a last ditch effort for survival.

What did you think of the finale? According to TV Series Finale, although the series was a tremendous success, the production company of Fox has concluded that there will be no following season for the series.

“After Pilcher decides to turn off the electricity in Wayward Pines – with deadly repercussions – Ethan and Kate take the initiative to make sure everyone is out of harm’s way”. And Ethan dies heroically, blowing up an elevator shaft to prevent a pack of shrieking abbies from devouring his loved ones. Pam convinces him to rethink things and turn the power back on.

Fox’s “Wayward Pines” ended its season on a high Thursday, standing as the night’s – and most likely the week’s – top-rated scripted original in the key young-adults demo. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Ethan promises Ben he’ll be behind him. “If we work together, I believe it is possible”. Because they are all that’s left. When Ben came to in the hospital after he was injured in the escape, he found out that Amy was a nurse and had been for a couple of months. She tells him he was in suspension like the rest of the adults and was put to sleep for over three years.

She warns Ben to keep calm as they are being watched. Jason was unfortunately a bit of a one-note villain-a missed opportunity there, since it would’ve been fascinating to know more about his state of mind-but he’s also David Pilcher’s ultimate creation. He sees a statue of David in the town square while Jason Higgins is the sheriff. Read on to find out how it all ends.


So that’s the future of humanity… a series of cycles. Kate and the rebels arrive and open fire on the Abbies, saving some, including Arlene, who they direct to the bunker. However the ball was already rolling and the young generation had long-term plans in mind. Nothing can go wrong, right? Chances are history will repeat itself.

Matt Dillon as Ethan Burke