
The Week Ahead: Federal Reserve Guidance On Rate Hikes Key

Combined with expectations for future rate moves, it also guides longer-term interest rates which affect how much people pay on loans to buy homes and cars, how much businesses pay on their borrowings, and how much banks pay for deposits.


Question – Before going further, which president would you guess has received the most charity from the Federal Reserve?

The expected move will come after years of anticipation and trepidation.

With the rest of the world in a slump, economists Larry Summers and Paul Krugman have warned about raising rates when the risks of a reversal to United States growth remain significant. The Fed’s credit “tightening may be small and brief”, because weak foreign economies will depress American exports and slow the economy. But it sets a direction other rates generally follow.

TODAY checked around to see what the local impact might be with a rise in interest rates.

In addition, average long-term US mortgage rates edged higher last week following three straight weeks of declines, amid expectations that the Federal Reserve will possibly raise the interest rates this week.

“I anticipate continued economic growth at a moderate pace that will be sufficient to generate additional increases in employment, further reductions in the remaining margins of labor market slack, and a rise in inflation to our two percent objective”, she said in a December 2 speech. Such “revolving” credit accounts for about 6 percent of household debt, according to Federal Reserve data.

Total consumer debt across the nation remains below its 2008 peak of almost $13.9 trillion.

WASHINGTON – After a long build-up that stirred waves of turbulence in global markets, the US Federal Reserve is expected to finally end its seven-year crisis stance with an interest rate increase on Wednesday. Over time, as interest rates begin to approach normal levels, these rates will go up, but it won’t happen overnight.

First, the Fed is pledging to raise interest rates very gradually. She even thinks a hike this week will spark a “relief rally”, though she added: “I’m not saying a big rally”.

This turbulence was accompanied by turmoil in commodity markets, as oil prices once again went into free fall. With all those filters, it may take time for the effect of a rate hike to become clear. They ride along with the yield paid on 10-year Treasury notes.

A wrong call on inflation now could stunt job growth and possibly keep rates stuck near zero or even force the Fed to reverse course and cut rates.

If oil does bounce and the Fed does back off from a hike, or even just indicate that this is a one-off, then stocks may rise somewhat.

Households are unlikely to feel much of an immediate impact from the rate hike, said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at

China’s own central bank on Friday indicated it believes the yuan’s value ought in future to be less dependent on the dollar and more measured against a basket of trading partner currencies. Auto loans are cheap, with rates ranging from zero with manufacturers’ incentives to 3% or so for typical five-year loans, Scarpelli says.

“You’ve got 33-year-old bond traders who’ve never in their career seen” the Fed raise its benchmark rate, said Bob Walters, chief economist at Quicken Loans, the largest non-bank mortgage originator.

Some banks will benefit more than others, said Marinac, the expert at FIG Partners.

The interest rate in focus is the federal funds rate, which banks charge when lending to other banks. This is known as the interest rate on excess reserves (IOER).

Often lost in the concern about spurring the economy have been those who depend on a steady rate of return and minimal risk. The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index, known as the VIX, has climbed more than 50% since the start of the month to 24.39, the highest level since 30 September. “On the contrary, it looked like a classic example of the Misesian theory of the business cycle, in which artificially low interest rates lead to malinvestments, which then require a recession to correct”.


“It’s straightforward analysis but the issue is they have been saying this for years, so they are not hitting something right in their story”, said Timothy Duy, an economist at the University of Oregon.

Fed Expected to Hike Rates Amid Nagging Worries