
The Windows version of No Man’s Sky is kind of a mess

No Man’s Sky is poor on PC? It’s a test system that’s on loan, and it’s a bit overpowered to play a game that was first released on the PlayStation 4. However, designing games to perform as intended on PC can be a tremendous undertaking, with the near-infinite combinations of hardware, software, and peripherals that developers must account for turning into a major task even for large studios, which Hello Games definitely is not.


No Man’s Sky, one of the most expansive games ever created, is out on PC. However, numerous first players of the PC port have reported performance issues since getting the game up and running.

After waiting an additional three days to take flight and explore No Man’s Sky’s 18 quintillion planets, PC users encountered several bugs and glitches following the game’s launch on Steam earlier today. Many of these players have gone to the Steam Community forums and review section to voice their frustration. The confusion is understandable, but perhaps Hello Games will cater to the chaos and bring out a future patch that will allow players to interact and play together.

Another solution related to OpenGL and startup crash is to go to your Steamapps/common/No Man’s Sky/Binaries/SETTINGS/TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS and then right click on TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS and open it in Notepad. We’ll see how that pans out over the next few weeks as Hello Games resolves issues. Nearly everyone that tries to run the game on a computer that meets, or even barely exceeds, the title’s minimum requirements are simply unable to do anything without the game crashing. Players are reporting all sorts of issues that are hindering the game’s technical performance, making it nearly unplayable. This will help you to get sorted with this problem.


The controls are also fully remappable, and a mouse and keyboard will give you more options and finer controls than a standard gamepad, although the game also ships with gamepad support if you prefer to play in that manner. This way you wont get full 90FPS, but 60FPS for sure.

A gameplay screenshot of'No Man's Sky