
The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Launch Trailer

But it’s going to be pretty hard to find a better reason to go back to CD Projekt RED‘s fantastical world than its first expansion, Hearts of Stone.


Bandai Namco Entertainment and CD PROJEKT RED revealing the launch trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts Of Stone. The expansion lets you choose your own way through an adventure that includes recruiting a crew of break-in artists, spending a night partying with a ghost and outsmarting the most freaky creatures Geralt has ever faced.


In “Hearts of Stone, ‘ Geralt will take on Olgierd von Everec, and in so doing, will have to make plenty of uneasy alliances”. Also included in the expansion are new items for Geralt to use and Gwent cards to compete with. The developer has also suggested that simply having the code needed to get the cards does not mean that a player will be getting them, so fans looking to complete their “Witcher 3” collection will need to act fast. However, what was sad to know that CD Projekt Red didn’t share any update or talked about the next major patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Each Runeword will affect a part of the in-game mechanicsa nd allow players to experiment with strategies and tactics. Along the way you’ll meet new characters and returning favourites, unique monsters and original romance, along with the new storyline which is still shaped by your choices.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Hearts of Stone Launch Trailer Tells Your Story