
The Witness Getting PS4 Pro Support

This will minimize competitors as the only new console that the NX has to go head-to-head with is the PS4 Pro, which was revealed on September 7. PC players have been able to download mods since the game launched for all three platforms in November 2015.


The developer claims that Sony won’t approve mods the way they should work.

Fans can pre-order and pre-load Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition now, although PC users with a copy of Skyrim and all DLC will receive the upgrade for free. Mods on Xbox One can range from tweaking gameplay to altering Fallout 4’s landscape in addition to bringing new characters, companions, areas, missions, weapons and crafting abilities. So the net result of those thoughts was PlayStation 4 Pro – and, by and large, a graphical approach to game improvement.

The PlayStation 4 Pro will be released on November 10th, 2016 running at $399 United States dollars. For weeks, Bethesda continued to post updates and said that they were working with Sony to sort it out. “However, until Sony will allow us to offer proper mod support for PS4, that content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim on PlayStation 4 will not be available”. But in this case, there is no other alternative for getting mods onto the PS4 save through Sony.

We could see that the company has a good tactics: they focus mainly on showing, not on telling, which is great for people who are sick and exhausted of hearing rumors and incomplete information.

Gartner Analyst Jon Erensen noted that there was “not a lot of discussion” about the benefits of upgrading to the PlayStation Pro for gamers who already own a PS4. According to Sony, however, the mid-gen refresh isn’t because of the Scorpio, but due to PC gaming.

Consoles also now have game patches, something that used to be exclusive to PC.

So, how does the new console compare to the existing PS4 we all know and love?


The hardware specifications are also unknown, so there is a chance that it can rival against the huge power of the Xbox One Scorpio. Earlier today, they reposted that tweet with some added features to rub in Sony’s face, namely mod support, backward compatibility, and the “fastest, most reliable gaming network”.

Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition update: PS4 mods CANCELLED