
The Xbox One Won’t Be Microsoft’s Last Console

Microsoft announced this week that, starting December 9, up through December 26, the $50 discount on all Xbox One bundles that we saw for Black Friday will be in effect, meaning that Xbox One consoles are available for as low as $299 with a game.


As mentioned in the title, the offer is going to be available for only a limited time or until supplies last.

The “special offer” is only applicable for Xbox One bundles.

In a separate announcement, the company also revealed that it is going to be hosting a “huge digital game sale of the year” that will run from December 22 until January 7. With a bunch of exclusives coming out, a much better, zippier UI system implemented and strides made to make long time fans of the platform feel welcome, Phil Spencer has reinstated a lot of confidence in the big black box, and Xbox as a whole.

Some of the new franchises arriving either first or exclusively to the Xbox One are “Quantum Break”, “Scalebound”, “Sea of Thieves“, “Ashen”, “Inside”, “Below”, “Cuphead” and “ReCore”. Local retailers will also participate in this event, according to Microsoft. A modern reimagining was released in 2010 for Wii and DS before being re-released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, though any developments regarding new games have been quiet ever since.


His short reply echoed what Microsoft marketing executive Yusuf Mehdi said earlier this month. “I want to expand what we’re able to do for more customers”.

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