
Theater staff, police brace for heavy turnout for Star Wars film

“I’m very grateful that the fans feel a kinship with it and an ownership of it. That does make a big difference”.


It is fair to say Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015 and it lives up to the hype that has been surrounding it.

Wired: About two thirds of the way through Star Wars: The Force Awakens, all seems lost.

CBR has personally seen comment trolls posting “Force Awakens” spoilers on our Facebook comment threads, in response to both “Star Wars” and unrelated posts. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had at the theater all year, and J.J. Abrams puts away his fanboy side and is just a good storyteller with the skill for creating engaging new characters within this familiar galaxy. I liked the movies; there are things about them I genuinely LOVED, but I wasn’t as over the moon with the franchise as I knew others were. If you reach a page that the extension determines may contain spoilers, a screen pops with up warning users of danger with a Star Wars-inspired quote, before allowing access that page.

JJ said he was struck every day while filming by how lucky he was to be working on the movie.

Asked how she found out about the film, she said: “On Twitter!”.

Naomi, Amanda, and Anne-Marie brought a sense of style to Star Wars. The cast combines veterans Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) with newcomers Daisy Ridley (Rey) and John Boyega (Finn).

The last live-action “Star Wars” film was 2005’s “Revenge of the Sith”, which capped a prequel trilogy focusing on the story of how Skywalker’s father became villain Darth Vader. A New Hope, in particular, will take some beating.

What follows is a great showdown between Ford and Colbert, with the latter doing his best impressions of the actor and the former trying not to recreate said impressions. And it’s probably the reason I haven’t re-watched “Star Wars” since 1997.


“I’ve been waiting since 2005 for this, I was too young to ever go to a midnight session before so this has been very, very exciting”, he said as he batted off a young man dressed as Luke with his red lightsabre. “The Force Awakens” had me smiling, reminiscing, and critiquing all at the same time: It’s a western in space.

'Star Wars: Episode VII -- The Force Awakens: What the critics are saying