
There Are 550 Sheep in This Landscape Photo

Can you spot the sheep? Surely that’s just careless?


In this environment, your flock will be right in front of your eyes one second… and the next second… well…

Kennedy told Buzzfeed she had to be about 50 feet away before she could fully see the sheep.

On November 4, Canadian farmer Liezel Kennedy woke up to quite a shock on her Saskatchewan farm – her entire flock of sheep seemed to have disappeared overnight. There are about 550 sheep in the photo. Can you seen them?

‘Could hardly find my sheep this morning, ‘ she tweeted on Wednesday along with the picture of her camouflaged livestock.

It was not until she got a bit closer that she could actually see the sheep hidden in the field.

You may have to look hard to spot them – they’re nearly completely blended in to the scenery.

But Libel’s invisible flock don’t just hide in winter.


And she has over 500 of them.

Can You See 500 Sheep in This Photo? Because We Sure Can't