
There Has Never, Ever Been Anyone Like Donald Trump

But that remains a minority viewpoint.


“Well, I like him”, he said of his rival. A new Quinnipiac poll shows Cruz just two points behind Donald Trump in Iowa, practically a tie. Do you think that’s too high or too low?

Statistician Nate Silver, in his FiveThirtyEight blog, uses a slightly different measure.

For more on the 2016 US presidential race and to learn about the undecided voters who determine elections, visit the Reuters website.

Trump’s disinterest in facts came into full bloom after the Paris terrorist attacks. “I am working very hard to win every one of their supporters”. After that comes SC, where Cruz is a solid fourth, behind Trump, Carson, and Rubio.

They don’t. They don’t want the “adult in the room”. He’s the leader on big issues like immigration, terrorism, the economy. A few more numbers from this poll (and here’s the full PDF).

TRUMP: He maintains a comfortable lead in New Hampshire, a new Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll finds. Still another said he was amused that Mr. Trump is being called out for lying when “there’s never been more truth-bending in our lives” in Washington, D.C. Such comments suggest not so much an undying faith in a candidate but a reluctance to give the media and the Republican Party establishment the satisfaction of bringing down Mr. Trump.

Trump also dug in his heels Monday over claims that he saw “thousands and thousands” of Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks in Jersey City. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule… “He has some charisma”, said Robert Wead, 69, a retired teacher and strong Republican, a thought several others echoed. Step two is… something. Rubio won’t win SC. Cruz has made his move.

I agree. In many ways, Rubio offers a pretty sharp contrast with the three anti-establishment candidates.

You have that number in your head now? Are you sure Republican voters are wrong there?

“I wish I knew”, said the advisor for one candidate, who begged for anonymity to prevent his haplessness from becoming public knowledge.

It matters less who the nominee is now than it used to.

Cue the scary-minor-key power chord: Ted Cruz is within the margin of error of Donald Trump in Iowa. If you’re familiar with my work at this lovely progressive watering hole of ours, I don’t need to roll the tale of the tape on Kasich. The Latino vote would certainly be larger than it’s ever been. Which is why when writers like National Review’s Kevin Williamson lay the blame for Trump’s ascent at the feet of conservative movement jesters Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, and shrug that nothing can be done-“as a matter of culture, Trump is-unhappily-right where a great many conservatives are: angry, sputtering, lashing out”.

In 2008 and 2012, the Republican Party presidential nomination candidates had some real silly, stupid flamethrowers, but in the end, the party hedged toward “reasonable” or “moderate” or “has a chance in hell of winning a general” with John McCain and Willard M. Romney.

Certainly in 2007, Rudy Giuliani was the frontrunner for a long time. You bet your ass I’d approve it, you bet your ass – in a heartbeat. Giuliani was a popular, extremely hawkish, slightly heterodox Republican mayor who ended up getting beaten by a popular, extremely hawkish, slightly heterodox Republican senator.

Having described Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals in his announcement speech, Trump this week said he would “absolutely” support a mandatory database to track Muslims in the U.S. He later said he wanted a “watch list” for Syrian refugees and “surveillance of certain mosques”. If you look at the way the field lined up in the early primaries, he had a divided field of more conservative candidates who split the vote against him.

Mr. Trump was born in Queens, New York.

But then Trump doesn’t take his cues from political figures. And on the domestic stuff, we’ll bottle her up, she won’t do much damage. If you’re a liberal, this news should make you very excited.


Combee also said Trump has been a factor with his “sound bites”. These things don’t seem to hurt him.

Trump comes out in favor of torture story image