
There’s A Museum Of Ice Cream Coming To NYC

Past menu items have included an ice cream hot dog for the Fourth of July and a Panda Panda Panda cone (featuring Coconut Ash accents) for their Kanye week.


In addition to cartons of its Ultimate Scoop and Farmhouse Creamery ice creams, Cumberland Farms is also introducing a brand new line of ice cream sandwiches in time for a National Ice Cream Day treat.

While not an official museum, the Museum of Ice Cream promises guests a “lick-able, likeable, shareable ice cream-centric experience”. “Visual designs from renowned NYC artists will serve as the cherry on top of this modern, whimsical urban ice cream playground”.

About Graeter’sGraeter’s Ice Cream produces craft ice cream using the small batch, artisanal, French Pot process, dating back over a century.

A month-long interactive museum all about ice cream.

For more information on Cumberland Farms location near you, please visit or follow Cumberland Farms on Twitter @CumberlandFarms.

There are also balloons you can eat, ice cream tastings sponsored by Black Tap and other ice cream experts.

Tickets costs $18 for a single adult, $30 for two adults, and $12 for children under 12 and senior citizens.


It will only be open for a limited time from July 29 to August 31 in Manhattan’s meat packing district.

Museum of Ice Cream popping up in NYC