
There’s A Pokemon Go Cheat That Makes One Item Last Longer

This will essentially allow you to hatch your Pokemon Go more effectively and without needing to run/walk more than required – unless you are doing it for the sake of exercise. The software acts like a supercharged Pokemon tracker, telling you where all of the Pokemon in your area are and how long they will hang around.


Common Pokemon like Pidgey, Weedle and Caterpie are great to evolve since only 12 pieces of candy are needed.

If you stockpile enough you can quickly notch up anywhere between 30,000 to 40,000XP in a matter of minutes. GO Gear will do everything for you. The higher the CP more powerful the Pokemon will be.

Arguably the best calculation website has been created by some good folks on the Reddit Pokémon Go community, the Silph Road. For now you can take advantage of the site in order to top up on your count of rare Pokemon.

Obviously, leveling is designed this way so that players don’t max out quickly, but Pokemon games are strongly about completionism, something that is inherent in the slogan “gotta catch ’em all”. You’d get the likes of Scyther, Snorlax, and Dartini.

Can “Pokemon Go” players hatch an egg while jogging or cycling? according to The Telegraph, the game counts any distance covered at under 20 miles per hour towards hatching eggs, so trainers are good to hop on a bicycle or finally tackle a Couch to 5k program. Instead, he got the same items you get all the time when you level up. Looks easy, sounds easy but sometimes it’s far from simple.

While catching Pokemon you’ll see something called CP that stands for combat power.

There’s a fine line between clever and cheating, which Hanke acknowledges.

So if you can find someone or somewhere with a 3D printer, you can print your own provided you download the spec from My Mini Factory right here. From levels 1 to 20, players have a fairly normal learning curve of rising experience points that make it only slightly more hard to advance.

Thankfully we’ve compiled plenty more handy tips and tricks to help you play the game.


It’s an intriguing way for the Pokemon Go developer to pull in additional revenue from the game, as it can charge businesses to have real-world locations highlighted in the game.

Pokemon Go player finishes the game here