
There’s no catchphrase like a Samuel L Jackson catchphrase

Mace Windu and his purple lightsaber definitely made an impact on the “Star Wars” prequels, but actor Samuel L. Jackson admits he had no idea which character he was playing until he arrived on the set of “The Phantom Menace”. If Jackson agreed, Colbert predicted they would become associated with him from here on out.


‘I think the kids need to go to lightsaber fight school but that’s just me…

If ever Hollywood moves forward with reboots of any of these movies, they may find the smartest solution would be to cast Jackson as their leading man. Weirder things have happened.

Watch the section of his interview with Peter Travers in which he talks about The Force Awakens below (via i09).

There’s something soothing about Samuel L. Jackson hollering at you.

“Then somebody came in and gave me some sides”, Jackson said. Wait, I’m talking to Yoda?

WANT MORE? Keep up with all the latest late-night coverage by subscribing to our newsletter. “Oh my!” Jackson said. However, I’m sure Jackson is a much more emotionally healthy person than I am, and instead of worrying about this for even a nanosecond, he focuses on the fact that he’s had an wonderful and successful career appearing in many beloved films.


His Ezekial speech from Pulp Fiction is oft referenced in a list of famous movie quotes and of course who can forget “I have had it with these motherf*ckin’ snakes on this motherfu*kin’ plane!”.

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