
Theresa May appointed British PM, vows to fight ‘burning injustice’

Theresa May became Britain’s new prime minister on Wednesday, accepting an invitation to govern from Queen Elizabeth II after the resignation of David Cameron.


Speaking outside 10 Downing Street after being invited to form a government by the Queen, she said it would be her mission to “build a better Britain”.

She is expected to announce her Cabinet early today (Singapore time), including a Brexit minister in charge of leading negotiations with the European Union on a new relationship.

May wasted no time getting to work, naming six Cabinet members shortly after taking the nation’s helm. “After all, as I once said, I was the future once”.

May took power Wednesday after Cameron resigned following Britain’s vote to leave the EU.

“It was clear that Theresa was forming a different kind of cabinet, and I was not to be part of it”, he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, denying her appointments represented a purge of David Cameron’s allies.

“She is a smart woman – thoughtful, disciplined, competent, strong in negotiations. and critical too, but reliable and credible”, he said.

The appointment of Johnson, known for making colorful and often undiplomatic remarks, was met with surprise around the world.

At some point during the final meeting Mr Cameron’s family was introduced to the Queen, who earlier in the day toured the new air ambulance base at Cambridge airport where her grandson the Duke of Cambridge works.

Boris Johnson, the new Foreign Secretary, had said earlier that the United Kingdom has been barred from inking free trade deals with countries like China and India owing to its European Union membership.

Philip Hammond became chancellor, Amber Rudd is home secretary, and Eurosceptic David Davis is new Brexit secretary.

She is expected to quickly unveil a new Cabinet lineup, including a minister in charge of implementing Brexit.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker urged May not to delay the start of the Brexit talks.

Cameron also took a moment to discuss the Downing Street cat, Larry, who is being left behind to keep working as the resident mouse-catcher.

May campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union but has stressed that she will honour the popular vote, saying repeatedly that “Brexit means Brexit”.

The Prime Minister is also aware of the challenging prospect of Brexit negotiations with the European Union.

In addition to a new leadership team, Ms. May created two new Cabinet posts – Mr. Davis’ EU job and a new secretary of state for global trade, to be filled by former defense secretary and “Leave” supporter Liam Fox. And I know because we’re Great Britain.

Her supporters say that, like the U.K.’s first female PM, Margaret Thatcher, May is steely and tough-minded.


After the humiliating loss in last month’s national referendum, Prime Minister Cameron announced plans to step down in October, but expedited his departure after Ms. May emerged from a multicandidate scramble to succeed him as head of the Conservative majority.

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