
Theresa May Becomes Prime Minister Of United Kingdom

Michael Gove, May’s one-time rival for the prime minister’s role who campaigned to leave the European Union alongside Johnson, was sacked as the justice secretary Thursday.


The former home secretary has become Britain’s second ever female Prime Minister – Margaret Thatcher was the first.

Theresa May took office as Britain’s prime minister Wednesday afternoon, after her predecessor, David Cameron, tendered his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II.

“Obviously, with these changes, we now don’t need to have a prolonged period of transition”.

“Clearly now we have a massive opportunity in this country to make a great success of our relationship with Europe and with the world and I’m very excited to be asked to play a part in that”, he told the BBC. When we pass new laws, we’ll listen not to the mighty, but to you.

May, who was a supporter of the “Remain” campaign emphasised on Monday that Britain will forge a bold worldwide role outside the European Union and that “Brexit is Brexit and we are going to make a success of it”. Michael Fallon, an early backer of Mrs May for the Tory leadership, remained as Defence Secretary.

Mrs May is now picking her first Cabinet – and she is expected to choose a record number of women for senior Government positions.

Cameron stepped down after Britons rejected his entreaties to stay in the European Union, sending shock waves across the 28-nation bloc.

Head of the EU’s Executive Commission Jean-Claude Juncker wished Mrs.

Cameron announced his resignation last month, following the UK’s shock referendum result to leave the EU. However, she has refused to be rushed on the timetable.

Mr Cameron had earlier given his final speech as prime minister outside Number 10, saying the job had been “the greatest honour” of his life and that the United Kingdom was “much stronger” than when he took over.

Standing with his family outside the famous black door, Mr Cameron said that he believed he was leaving the country “much stronger” and the economy “immeasurably stronger” after his six years in office.

Addressing the waiting media before heading to Buckingham Palace, Cameron sought to paint a positive picture of his time in office, despite it ending suddenly after the European Union referendum result.

Once Cameron has met with the Queen, he will recommend that May be invited to form a government. “I look forward to working closely with you on this and to learn about your intentions in this regard”, he said in a letter to May.

May has run Britain’s home office for six years, dealing with policing, immigration and other tough issues. The daughter of a Church of England pastor, she is cricket fan with a sober demeanor who lists her hobbies as cooking and walking. She has been MP for Maidenhead, the well-to-do commuter town west of London, since 1997 and was previously chairwoman of the Conservative party. I know you’re working around the clock. Germany’s Angela Merkel, France’s Francois Hollande and Italy’s Matteo Renzi announced yesterday that they will hold a summit in August on the matter.

Another firm right-wing figure, Liam Fox, became the Trade Minister.


New Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond is regarded as a firm believer in economic stability and prudent public finances. May appointed former London mayor Boris Johnson as United Kingdom foreign secretary.

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