
Theresa May: I will lead “one nation” government

She, like the new prime minister and chancellor, campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU. Such a cut would boost lending and shore up household spending, helping to offset at least part of the Brexit shock.


May’s first calls after taking over late Wednesday were to Europe’s top two powerbrokers, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande.

The Prime Minister’s spokeswoman said: “They talked about the importance of the special relationship and the importance of sustaining that”.

Surrey Heath MP Michael Gove has been sacked as Justice Secretary as Mrs May continues the process of appointing ministers to her new administration. He replaces George Osborne, whose determination to balance Britain’s books made him synonymous with austerity.

Amber Rudd, who backed the campaign to stay in the European Union, became the new Home Secretary and will now lead reform of Britain’s immigration system in the wake of the Brexit vote. The Conservative Party was also sharply divided, with some members campaigning to leave the bloc and others campaigning to remain. Veteran right-wingers David Davis and Liam Fox have been named, respectively, as Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union and head of a new worldwide trade department, both key positions in the arduous negotiations ahead. Liam Fox has the role as Secretary of State for International Trade, a pivotal position as Britain finds itself having to sign a slew of new trade deals. Cameron, 49, quit after Britain voted to leave the European Union in a June 23 referendum he called in an attempt to stop his Conservative Party “banging on about Europe” but sensationally lost.

She is expected to quickly unveil a new Cabinet lineup, including a minister in charge of implementing Brexit, a British exit from the EU. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies; and one can imagine that Blair, twice victor overseas but enmired at home, is similarly seduced by foreign politeness. The two had clashed over policing in London while Johnson was serving as mayor.

With his unkempt blonde hair, bumbling humor and penchant for Latin quotations, the man known to Britons simply as “Boris” will be the government’s most colorful figure, but a controversial choice for conducting sensitive diplomacy with world leaders.

Amber Rudd, the government’s energy and climate change secretary, has succeeded May as home secretary.

His predecessor in the job was Philip Hammond, who was named finance minister on Wednesday.

The Sun’s front page after Mrs May’s appointment showed one of her signature leopard-print heels crushing her male opponents, with the headline: “Heel, boys”.

“The UK finally has a new prime minister”, Gianni Pittella, the leader of the centre-left group in the European Parliament said in a statement as Theresa May took over the government.

“I will do everything I can to give you more control of your lives”. “I too have a mandate, and that mandate is to respect the wishes of the people in Scotland and now to find a way to keep Scotland in the European Union”, she said. Brexit! When do we want it?

Negotiations will not begun until Ms May triggers the so-called Article 50, a provision in European Union treaties which formally starts the process of a country leaving the EU.

Johnson said he was “very humbled, very proud to be offered this chance”.


Cameron arrived at the palace in a police-escorted convoy with his wife Samantha and their children. “I will miss the barbs of the opposition”, Cameron said. “In that spirit, I also plan to lead”.

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