
Theresa May’s plans for a Brexit ministry and who might lead it

Then, after a rousing speech defending his government’s legacy, he and his family left his home at 10 Downing Street for the last time and made the short drive to Buckingham Palace.


She arrived at the Palace by ministerial vehicle with her husband Philip, having set off from the House of Commons only after receiving the signal that Mr Cameron’s resignation had been accepted by the Queen and that he had advised her to appoint Mrs May in his place.

The impact of the vote was immediate, the casualties many: David Cameron has resigned as prime minister, the value of the British currency has dropped sharply in relation to the dollar and the euro, and thousands of companies large and small are trying to determine if Britain will still be a viable global business center once its close ties to Europe are cut.

“I think around the cabinet table yesterday the feeling was that we have our Angela Merkel”, said Jeremy Hunt, health secretary in Cameron’s team which met for the last time on Tuesday.

While he received a standing ovation from Conservative MPs and some Labour MPs, the SNP benches did not rise for or applaud Cameron, with Westminster leader Angus Robertson telling him his legacy was Brexit.

Along with overseeing European Union negotiations, May will need to unite a nation deeply divided over the referendum where 52% voted to leave and 48% to remain.

PMQs is usually a rowdy event, involving combative exchanges between Cameron and the leader of the main opposition Labour Party while lawmakers from both parties boo and cheer.

After a colourful session, Cameron said he would be “willing on” all politicians and Parliament.

May, who backed remaining in the European Union, will also be expected to reward prominent campaigners for a “leave” vote with key jobs.

“Brexit means Brexit”, the incoming British prime minister said.

The new Conservative Party leader will be UK’s second female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher. She will be under immediate pressure to launch two years of formal exit talks with the European Union by triggering Article 50 of the bloc’s constitution. She voted twice in the past against a legislation allowing a gay couple to adopt kids.

Cameron said Wednesday it was the “greatest honour” of his life to serve as prime minister.

The daughter of an Anglican vicar with a penchant for stylish footwear she studied at Oxford University where, it’s reported she voiced her ambition to be prime minister.

What she needs now is some fancy footwork – to get the United Kingdom out of the European Union with pride – and trade – intact.

She spent the day considering the makeup of her own Cabinet before she moves into 10 Downing Street on Wednesday.

“There is a streak that we all saw which was to be really quite narrow in focus and reluctant to shift even when the facts seemed to be changing, and if that’s what happens when she’s prime minister we could find ourselves in difficulties”, Cable told BBC television.


The new leader, Britain’s Home Secretary – in charge of immigration and law and order – for the past six years, has the tough task of calming the country, and the financial markets, after the massive upheaval that has followed the June 23 referendum.

Theresa May's plans for a Brexit ministry and who might lead it