
Theresa May Takes Over As British PM

She is the second woman to hold the job, after Margaret Thatcher.


Britain got a new prime minister on Wednesday.

He wished May the best, especially as she negotiates the country’s “Brexit” from the European Union.

Downing Street says Liz Truss has been named justice secretary and lord chancellor – the top official in the judicial system.

But the European Union officials also emphasised that Britain and Brussels will have to move soon to address the consequences of the country’s vote to leave the bloc. We will do everything we can to help everyone. “We will do we everything we can to give you more control over your lives”.

Women are expected to secure several top jobs in May’s cabinet, including current energy minister Amber Rudd and worldwide development minister Justine Greening.

The most notable was former London Mayor Boris Johnson, who was given the meaty job of foreign secretary, Britain’s top diplomatic post. Her first appointment is Philip Hammond as Treasury chief.

The new post of worldwide trade minister reflects the need to build stronger trade ties with non-EU countries such as China and India after the Brexit vote.

She is unlikely to trigger Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty – which will formally launch the process of separation and start the clock ticking on a two-year countdown to Britain’s actual departure – until next year.

He said: “We’ve today had warm words from our new prime minister about the need to stand up for more than a “privileged few”.

May’s appointment at the Buckingham Palace, to “kiss hands” with the Queen, as the ceremony is known, came shortly after David Cameron went to the Palace to tender his resignation, the Guardian reported.

The new prime minister has appointed leading euroskeptics – including the unpredictable Boris Johnson and the formidable David Davis – to top global jobs in a Cabinet that sweeps away numerous stalwarts of predecessor David Cameron’s administration.

In the traditional change of government ceremony, Cameron met the queen at the palace and recommended that the monarch invite May – his successor as Conservative Party leader – to form a new government.

New Prime Minister Theresa May said her Government would not be driven by the interests of the “privileged few” as she made her first speech in the role this evening.

May has run Britain’s home office for six years, dealing with policing, immigration and other tough issues.

Hammond, who campaigned for Britain to stay in the European Union, once acknowledged that broadcasters referred to him ironically as “Box Office Phil” because he rarely made headlines. As May spoke in front of her new residence, a small band of pro-Brexit demonstrators down the street chanted “Theresa May, don’t delay!”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier has previously criticized Johnson and other leading backers of Britain’s exit from the EU.

Stock markets traded within sight of their highest levels of the year as the prospect of stimulative economic policy across the developed world eased immediate concerns over the impact of the Brexit vote.

“I don’t detect Theresa May being an impulsive person”, Travers said.


A Europe minister under 1990s premier John Major, he was the frontrunner in the 2005 Conservative leadership contest but lost out to Cameron. And he offered the closest thing he has ever given to a mission statement: “I believe that politics is about public service in the national interest”.

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