
These are the Trailers You’ll See Before Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Or, they can find out their “good” or “dark” force in the Star Wars universe by pressing their palm on an interactive wall monitor. “There’s no emotional support around her. There’s no-one broadening her horizons and then she meets Finn and they go on this incredible adventure”. “It’s not something I pictured ever so it’s a very odd thing, very odd”, Ridley said. That’s when the embargo lifts on The Force Awakens reviews, so social media and all your favorite sites will be posting their reaction to the movie.


Before landing the role of Rey, following an intense five-audition process, Daisy had appeared in numerous British TV shows including ITV’s Mr Selfridge, Silent Witness and Casualty but the upcoming release marks her first major film role.

“We will be seeing it twice in one day”, he said.

“When I first got cast, no one could know, so it’s three months of me going “alright I can deal with this, this is me”, she said.

The theater will screen the entire “Star Wars” saga ahead of the debut of “The Force Awakens”. Whatever you think of it the game is clearly a hit, and surely more Battlefront games are to come. But our primary focus was trying to tell a story, not to make any one person happy.

When we say Star Wars is a global phenomenon, this is exactly what we’re talking about.

The highly anticipated Episode VII: The Force Awakens, directed by Abrams (Star Trek, Mission: Impossible III), has been kept tightly under wraps since filming began in April 2014. Afterward, the group will lead a parade of costumed revelers into the French Quarter, accompanied by a brass band playing a medley of “Star Wars” music.

But at its heart, “The Force Awakens” is a passing of the torch. However, it will be interesting to see if critics love the movie or not.

“It’s also for the new generation who haven’t had that history and experience”.


The global digital comic service platform LINE Webtoon has also added to the fever by releasing the Star Wars: Serial digital comic.

Jennifer Hargrave