
These fans want ‘Harry Potter’ version of Pokemon Go

If you’re into magical creatures, but only the kind that frequent Hogwarts, it looks like there might be a new game in the works that could potentially tick all your boxes.


Yep that’s right – a new petition is calling for an interactive smartphone game set in JK Rowling’s wizarding world, using the ideas of Pokémon Go to build a huge and immersive experience.

After the success of Pokemon Go, Potterheads naturally began to wonder why something similar couldn’t exist with a Harry Potter narrative.

The petition has been titled “Accio Harry Potter Go: We Want a Harry Potter Version of Pokemon Go!” and was started by 23-year-old Durham, NC resident Ashtyn Hannon. “You know what would be even better?” Especially with the plot of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them being one where the heroes of the film would be spending their time running around New York City in the 1920s attempting to catch all the wayward magical creatures that escaped from Newt Scamander’s case, the parallels seemed obvious. Follow the spiders Ron. The last one in reference to the upcoming movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

And the Pokémon-like elements aren’t all the petition has in mind…

Hannon writes, “The possibilities are endless”.


The post If you like Harry Potter you’re less likely to vote for this presidential candidate appeared first on HelloGiggles. She found that each Harry Potter book read lowered the respondant’s evaluation of Trump by two to three points, for a roughly 18-point difference if someone has read the entire seven-book series. “Someone get a Time-Turner and make this game yesterday!”

Petition: We Want a Harry Potter-Style Pokemon Go Game