
These Six-Pack Rings Are Edible, So They Won’t Kill Wildlife

Their movement is simply a step in the right direction, and, frankly, that’s all we can ask of a society predominantly hell-bent on continuing to exhaust the planet environmentally.


According to Discover, while most six pack rings now being made are photo-degradable, they can take 90 days to break down in sunlight and some of the plastic found in them never fully breaks down. This becomes a substantial threat to marine life; sea creatures get tangled around them while many that eat the rings die because it blocks their digestive systems. “A six-pack packaging design that instead of killing animals, feeds them”, said We Believers in a statement. “It’s 100 percent natural and biodegradable and we are also using materials that are ultimately edible and safe for wildlife to ingest and digest”. Although the brewery has been guarded about their manufacturing process, they claim the product is 100% edible and biodegradable.

The problem seemed unfixable since plastic is very hard to dispose of, however, the owners of SaltWater Brewery might have the flawless solution.

The unique six-pack rings are made from barley and wheat, both of which are by-products of beer production.

A craft beer company has brewed up a brilliant idea. Not only are these rings created to eliminate the waste of the brewing process, they can also be safely consumed by marine life including fish and turtles.


However, ocean life experts said that even though the option is better than plastic, studies are necessary to see the impact of a new kind of food in the oceans.

Edible six pack rings give wildlife a meal and not a death sentence