
‘They Cannot Silence Us’: Sanders Supporters Protest After Clinton Nomination

Mrs Clinton’s nomination comes after some of Mr Sanders’ supporters protested on the first day of the convention against the party leadership’s apparent backing of her during the bitter Democratic primary fight.


PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Bernie Sanders loyalists protested inside and outside the Democratic National Convention site and clashed with police on Tuesday after Hillary Clinton won the party’s presidential nomination.

Carolus, a 27-year-old delegate from California, said calls for them to get behind Clinton or face a Trump presidency amounted to “victim-blaming”.

He recalls that she served on a special Pentagon commission with former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Clinton, who promises to tackle income inequality and rein in Wall Street if she becomes president, is eager to portray Trump, a businessman and former reality TV show host, as too unstable to sit in the Oval Office. “She could have done anything with her life, but she decided long ago she didn’t want to just do well, she wanted to do good”, he said.

After being sworn in as the Secretary of State in January 2009, Clinton was instrumental in launch of annual India-US Strategic Dialogue.

As for Sanders and Clinton, the final tally excluded Vermont’s votes in favor of the acclimation and came down 2,838 votes for Clinton and 1,843 for Sanders with 55 abstentions.

Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski nominated Clinton, saying she was acting on behalf of “all women who have broken down barriers for others”.

Bill Clinton contended that one version of his wife is “real and the other is made up”, prompting delegates to applaud and shake signs on the Wells Fargo Center floor.

“In the spring of 1971, I met a girl”, the former president said as he began a personal speech about how he met his wife of 40 years.

She has recently been dogged by concerns about her tenure as secretary of state and leaked emails that raised concerns about the Democratic primary’s fairness. “We’ve been walking and talking and laughing together ever since”, he said.

“I married my best friend”, Clinton said.

A nominee’s spouse always gets some love at a party convention.

“It is with a full heart as I here today nominate Hillary Clinton to be the first woman president”, Mikulski, a long-time Clinton ally, said.

“Hillary Clinton has the passion and understanding to support grieving mothers”, said Sybrina Fulton, whose son Trayvon Martin was killed in 2012. Elizabeth Warren did not persuade him to support Clinton. “This isn’t about being politically correct”.

Knapp said she was reminded of 1968.

Despite the historic nature of Clinton’s victory and the palpable sense of exhilaration among delegates on Tuesday, some Sanders boosters seemed more resigned than excited.

Philadelphia’s police union complained that Clinton was showcasing killings by police without giving equal time to the families of fallen officers. Clinton’s campaign said two members of law enforcement also are on the convention schedule.


“I’m going to try to bridge the gap to build unity, just like Bernie did”, says Samantha Herring, a Sanders supporter and Florida delegate. Outside the arena, several of the Sanders supporters said they were not prepared to embrace a party or a candidate they viewed as corrupt, conservative, or simply unable to win the general election.

In touching love story, Bill Clinton makes his case for Hillary