
Things to Know About the Uncharted 4 Release

Overall, Naughty Dog made a marvelous job on “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End” – without a doubt. Amazon is throwing in Drake’s desert outfit from Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception as a bonus, in addition to a snow camo weapon skin that can be applied to all weapons in the game’s multiplayer.


Uncharted 4’s singleplayer campaign is a lot more grounded, and features less “Nathan vs. one hundred nameless enemies” instances than its predecessors.

Officially India isn’t getting any of these, citing high prices in the case of the Special Edition and Libertalia Edition while BIS plays foul for the Uncharted 4-themed console.

Such is the case with Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Uncharted 4 may just be setting itself up to be 2016’s Game of the Year.

The grappling hook also makes a really nice addition to Nate’s arsenal, and it plays an extremely vital part in traversing the various landscapes you visit. At the end of the day, he goes home, reminisces about his adventures with a toy gun in his attic, eats dinner, plays Crash Bandicoot.

Troy Baker, who voices Sam Drake – brother of Nathan Drake, let it slip that an interesting chunk of content was removed from Uncharted 4.

With “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End” finally arriving this May 10, game developer Naughty Dog has finally released details for the game’s multiplayer campaign and its roadmap for post-launch content. Crawling across Sam’s back across clifftops just looks awkward, and if you’re both hiding behind the same small pillar during shootouts, Sam becomes like every other big brother: an annoyance who just gets in the way. You also have access to Drake’s pistol, so you can range activate certain blocks by tapping on them. The game is somehow thrillingly fast-paced, but takes its time to flesh out the characters and the environments that they explore.

That’s not to say combat isn’t fun in this game because the gunplay has improved for the better. And if you’re borderline obsessed, there’s the Uncharted 4 PS4 console as well.

It’s very much run-and-gun aggressive fighting, but there’s heavier emphasis on tactics and survival in the multiplayer. This makes it better than any other Uncharted multiplayer, and gives the game added value that goes beyond its singleplayer.

Obviously he does, or this would have been the most attractive salvaging game ever created.


I would, however, have preferred the game to be less combat focused, taking a page from Druckmann’s The Last of Us, though Bruce Staley’s more action-oriented approach to writing (he was one of the primary writers on Uncharted 2) is probably the reason for this.

Uncharted 4