
Things We Learned About Game of Thrones at Comic Con

Peter Dinklage attends the premiere of HBO’s Game Of Thrones Season 6 at TCL Chinese Theatre on April 10, 2016 in Hollywood, California.


“We need a bad guy on Game of Thrones”, she said.

Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark in the series, threw some shade at her brother Jon Snow, played by Kit Harington. When Melisandre removes the piece of cloth covering Jon’s pecker, the supposedly dead Snow comes back to life.

As Benioff said: Winter is here. “We’re starting a bit later because at the end of this season, “Winter is here”, and that means that sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes any more”, Benioff and Weiss explained. We like that kind of thing.

The cast and crew of the A&E drama announced Friday at Comic-Con International that the singer-actress will join them to portray the role originated by Janet Leigh in the original film version of “Psycho”. From the weapons to the costumes to the sets, the attention to the detail and the downright gorgeousness of the show are one major factor behind the success of the fantasy epic, so it’s delightful to see more of that behind-the-scenes magic.

This year’s “Game of Thrones” panel was spearheaded by show creators David Benioff and D.B Weiss, “Battle of the Bastards” director Miguel Sapochnik and stars Conleth Hill (Lord Varys), Faye Marsay (Waif), Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran), Iwan Rheon (Ramsay), John Bradley-West (Sam), Liam Cunningham (Ser Davos), Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei), Sophie Turner (Sansa), and Kristian Nairn (Hodor).

Nairn received a standing ovation from the Comic-Con crowd, who chanted “Hodor, Hodor” in honor of one of the show’s best loved characters.

During Season Six there was rife speculation that Sansa would betray Jon at a crucial moment after failing to tell him about her negotiations with Littlefinger.

“She thinks he doesn’t have the intellect, knowledge or experience that she has”.


“I’m about to check into the Bates Motel very soon”, Rihanna said in a video played during the “Bates Motel” panel.

Actor Kristian Nairn arrives for the season premiere of HBO's'Game of Thrones in San Francisco California