
Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton’s Likely VP Pick

In a campaign where Republican nominee Donald Trump and his party have made immigration and national security key issues, Democrats now have a ticket with two heavyweights, Kaine, and Clinton, the former secretary of state.


Hillary Clinton (L) has picked Tim Kaine as her running mate in the United States presidential election.

Trump also announced the choice of his running mate on Twitter, and followed it up with an announcement the next day at a hotel in midtown Manhattan – a curious choice given the state’s strong Democratic leanings. A man Clinton says, “has devoted his life to fighting for others”.

The pick comes as the Clinton campaign tries to paint newly anointed Republican nominee Donald Trump as divisive and risky, a theme they hit hard coming out of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

“I don’t think Booker would be her best running mate”, Pickens said of the black New Jersey senator.

Clinton will formally introduce Kaine as her running mate during a campaign stop at Florida International University in Miami on July 23.

Already suspicious of Clinton’s commitment to liberal policies, they were closely watching her decision on the vice presidency, wary for any sign that she may be drifting back to the political center as she prepares for the general election.

The Wall Street Journal, citing Democrats familiar with the search, said she was likely to make the announcement on Friday and Kaine was believed to be the pick. Harvard is the same law school that turned out President Barack Obama.

Democracy for America executive director Charles Chamberlain said Clinton’s choice would present challenges for his group’s advocacy against Donald Trump.

Mr Kaine has seved in Congress since 2012 after four years as the Governor of Virginia. Kaine’s positions in favor of trade and other matters leave many progressives cold.

Hillary Clinton is preparing to announce her vice presidential pick as early as Friday.

Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has had a close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton for years, and served as national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign also reacted to the news.

Kaine, 58, first served on the Richmond City Council, before being elected mayor in 1998 and then Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2002. The couple has three children. During his political career, he’s demonstrated an ability to woo voters across party lines, winning his 2006 gubernatorial race with support in both Democratic strongholds and traditionally Republican strongholds.

He can nominee spent considerable time stoking the fire of his bitter quarrel with Republican former rival Ted Cruz.

“I don’t do anything unless I win”, Trump insisted.


Kaine could help Clinton in Virginia, a heavily contested swing state, and choosing Kaine will not cost Democrats a seat in the Senate, where Republicans now hold a majority, at 54 seats.

Tim Kaine, Clinton's Likely Pick for Vice President, Is a pro-Israel Centrist