
Third of young Americans say they aren’t 100% straight

Here, a quarter of those asked considered themselves bisexual to some degree – that makes sense, given given society became more sexually liberal during the ’70s and ’80s. The survey of 1,000 American adults used the Kinsey Scale-developed by Albert Kinsey in the 1940s-and asked respondents to plot themselves on a scale of zero (exclusively heterosexual) to six (exclusively homosexual).


Almost a third of Americans under 30 do not identify as 100% straight, a new survey has found. 16% of American adults say that they fall somewhere in the middle. While 80% of all Americans say that they are completely heterosexual or homosexual only 66% of under-30s say the same. Among British adults overall, 76% considered themselves fully heterosexual, 4% fully homosexual, and 19% somewhere along the spectrum (anyone who categorized themselves as 1 to 5).

Younger Americans are noticeably less likely than their elders to put themselves in a firm category.

The older someone is the less likely they are to say that they have fluid sexual attractions.

YouGov posted the results of a similar British study earlier this week that found that half of respondents aged 18-24 identified as non-heterosexual. For straight women, 15% have had a same-sex experience.

The research noted that ‘a large number of Americans who classify themselves as heterosexual still admit to having had same sex experiences’.


In poll results published Sunday by YouGov, a full 49% of 18-24 year olds identified as something other than exclusively heterosexual.

1 in 3 young Americans aren't “100% heterosexual”