
Third way: Libertarians elect Gary Johnson as presidential nominee

Libertarian presidential nominee and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson knows from first-hand experience that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are not “rapists” or “drug dealers”, as Donald Trump has described them.


Delegates to the party’s convention in Orlando on Sunday are scheduled to choose from former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, anti-computer virus company founder John McAfee and Austin Petersen, the founder of The Libertarian Republic magazine.

According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, as many as 44 percent of Americans say they want a third-party candidate to run in the 2016 election. While also a former Republican, Johnson previously ran the most successful libertarian campaign in the party’s history. Gary Johnson, 63, was just elected as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee. But if the nomination goes to Clinton, many #BernieorBust supporters will be looking for a new nominee to support outside of the Democratic Party.

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas has a candidate running in every congressional office (Democrats are challenging just two seats) along with a handful of state legislature and justice of the peace races.

Party leaders say the Libertarians are poised for a breakout year, as they seek to garner disaffected Republicans and right-wing independents who want to avoid supporting the GOP nominee Donald Trump, while possibly siphoning off potential Democratic and left-independent voters who now back Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders but would not ultimately rally behind Hillary Clinton, if she wins the Democratic nomination. Johnson said in his speech on Sunday if the delegates select Weld.

Again, Johnson stood out from the pack when he didn’t answer whether the Democratic Party or Republican Party was more evil. Convention-goers have taken issue in particular with Trump’s stated positions on immigration, global trade and national security – all of which stand in firm opposition to a party that tends to favor lax immigration restrictions, free trade and is skeptical of military intervention.

“This is the best message team going forward”, Johnson, the Libertarians’ presidential nominee, told reporters after Weld won the vice presidential nomination.

“It’s never been my tactic to reach out to anybody”, Johnson told The Advocate after securing his party’s nomination.

On fiscal matters, Libertarians push for reduced spending and taxes, saying the federal government has gotten too big across the board.

Johnson brushed off critics who say he isn’t the most ideal messenger for the Libertarian Party.


Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is still pushing for a presidential debate with Trump.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks to supporters and delegates at the National Libertarian Party Convention in Orlando Fla. Omn Sunday