
This 8th Grader Used His Graduation Speech For Some GENIUS Presidential Impressions

“Politics has been something he’s been interested in for several years”, John Aiello, the boy’s father, told ABC News.


That bring us to this middle school student and his impersonation of Donald Trump, which was worthy of stealing the award for valedictorian on the spot.

“And let me just tell you that Thomas has been such a great school, quite frankly it’s been fantastic”. The 8th-grader says he would love to be president himself one day. That’s a thing? But just trust me here; once you see this video you’ll be glad for every half-assed, low volume graduation you ever had to sit (and nap) through. Muy fantastico, ‘ he said, mocking Trump’s perceived antipathy towards Mexican immigrants. He mimicked business mogul Donald Trump, Texas Sen.

Clinton: They been our champions. “They’ve given us the skills to get us through sixth grade, and through seventh grade, and eighth grade, and now we’re going to take those skill and apply them to high school”.

Jack’s parents told NBC Chicago that he hopes to one day be either a comedian or a politician.

The speech poked fun at the 2016 presidential candidates, as well as President Obama.

“If you were to ask him what he really wants to do, he really truly does want to be president someday”.


“Let me start with the lunches – they are delicious”, Aiello said, copying the hand gestures and cadence of Sanders.

Jack Aiello an eigth grader at Arlington Heights middle school in Chicago delivers a witty speech at graduation