
This California Teen Was Allegedly Beaten By Police For Jaywalking

A video was taken earlier this week at the Downtown Transit Center in Stockton showing a police officer interaction with a juvenile that some are calling an excessive use of force.


The video was also posted to Facebook, by Edgar Avendaño, who wrote that he saw a police officer approach the teenager as he was just finishing jaywalking across a street to catch a bus.

In that case, the white officer – who subsequently resigned – cursed at several black teenagers, waved his gun at boys, and threw the 14-year-old girl to the ground. When he failed to comply, the officer moved in, grabbed him and took out a baton.

“It’s a f**cking kid!” someone can be heard shouting as the officer begins to strike the teen.

“The kid got stopped for jaywalking when he barely stepped out of the bus”, said Mr Avedano. Don’t touch him, leave him alone!

“Stop resisting!” the officer shouts. And as you can see his body cam is on the floor. The officer radios for backup and at least eight other officers arrive. The 16-year-old boy was charged with trespassing and resisting arrest.

After being shoved on the ground, the teen is handcuffed and taken to a police auto .

But police say the teenager refused and became verbally confrontational, insisting on remaining inside the bus lane as buses were waiting to pull in.

Silva could not say whether the officer’s body camera, which was knocked off before Avendaño began filming, was recording at the time of the incident.

Silva said the department is conducting an investigation into the situation, but told the news station that current evidence suggests the officer was not out of policy in his actions.

Police brutality? A passer-by filmed the first cop putting his bulky weight on the skinny suspect who is curled up in a ball, cowering away from the aggressive officer, left.

The teen’s family filed a formal complaint Thursday over the confrontation in Stockton, which was partially recorded by a witness and posted to YouTube, NBC Los Angeles reported.


Representatives for the Stockton Police Department told Vice News that the altercation was being investigated.

VIDEO: 9 Police Needed to Arrest Jaywalking Teenager