
This Doctor Knows How to Calm a Fussy Baby in Seconds

Next, grasp the child by the bottom with your other hand, holding the child at a 45-degree angle.


To help ease the woes of an upset newborn, Hamilton suggests folding the baby’s arms across their front (like one of the steps of the Macarena) and gently holding them down with one of your hands.

Little surprise, then, that a video purporting to show you how to calm a baby in seconds has gone viral, with parents around the world eager to pass on the advice. Then gently rock the child up and down.

Dr Hamilton has been in paediatrics for about 30 years and swears by the manoeuvre.

A California doctor is sharing an fantastic technique for anyone who has ever had to deal with a fussy baby.

The babies should be held with the fleshy part of the hands, not the fingertips, he added.

Dr. Hamilton says he has taught the technique to many parents and they have experienced great success at home.

Dr. Hamilton is listed on the Pacific Ocean Pediatrics website, the Facebook page for the clinic has also linked to the video.


Hamilton said if your baby doesn’t calm down, it could be because he or she is hungry or sick.

One doctor claims he has the secret to calming down a crying baby