
This ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ Promo Reveals How Dr. Okun May Be Returning

Liam Hemsworth also stars in the movie, with numerous original’s cast returning including Bill Pullman, Vivica Fox and Brent Spiner.


Pullman shows up to collect a paycheck, as does “1D4” veteran Brent Spiner as an brainiac who emerges from a 20-year coma (after two hours of this mind-numbing nonsense, you’ll know exactly how he felt).

Resurgence is so contrived and slow-witted a sequel that it’s making me reassess my fondness for the 1996 film.

Roland Emmerich (L) poses for photos with Angela Baby (C) and Chin Han (R) at a premiere of movie Independence Day: Resurgence in Beijing, on June 22, 2016. The kind of square-jawed heroism that Independence Day could get away with in 1996 just looks square now. But with a reported budget of $165 million (and some estimates as high as $200 million), the film is going to have to gross a hell of a lot more than that for 20th Century Fox to seriously consider doing another sequel.

“I’d like to see anything he did really”, he said. We were young, too young to appreciate the nod to the alien-invasion movies of yore, “when science fiction was relegated to the budgetary bottom drawer”.

Armed forces also have new weapons to deal with any further attacks; and not a moment too soon, as the aliens are back in force.

Ex-President Whitmore (Bill Pullman) is plagued by bad dreams – or are they premonitions? – of another extra-terrestrial incursion and it turns out he’s right. “And I just can not believe that I’m one of them now”, he said.

IDR is full of hundreds of similar lines like this from characters who are as see-through as a roll of cling film.

It has been 20 years since the last Independence Day film was released and made a star out of Will Smith, who became so big that even the sequel couldn’t afford him.

Cronenberg, who was not part of the second film, first talked about writing a new version of the film back in 2009 and confirmed in 2011 he had written a script. According to the actor, “new technology” would allow Cronenberg to “do whatever he wants to with some other Fly story”.


“He is one of my favorite people that I ever met. he is just so passionate about it”. Though Will Smith was the biggest thing to emerge from the first film, there’s still only room for one black character in Resurgence (two, if you count the African warlord played by Deobia Oparei, a character that comes with its own racist overtones).

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