
This Is Us season 1 finale: How Jack and Rebecca met

Mandy was then asked what was the hardest thing for her to film? Upset by his advances, Rebecca flees backstage.


After returning from the bar, Rebecca laid into Jack for getting drunk. She leaves her dressing room and calls Jack, who’s obviously not at home.

Viewers in India can catch the Season 1 finale of This Is Us this Saturday (March 18) on Star World Premiere HD. The five bucks Mrs. Peabody pays him won’t go far, but as a bonus, she offers to set him up with the daughter of her best friend (a “total knockout”).

If only Jack had found her at the bar before he found Ben, things might have turned out differently, as she had just left a voicemail message at their house reiterating her love for him.

Moore: Occasionally friends will ask me, “What happened to Jack?” It was the thing that effectively saved him from a awful life. I get that question all the time. Ben tells Jack that Rebecca ran off and Jack ends up punching Ben in the face. Again, this undermines Rebecca feelings about herself and her talent. The wonderful journey this series has had with fans began with them and it is fitting that the season should end with them, centering on a believable conflict that derives from Jack and Rebecca’s differences as two adults from widely different backgrounds. But most of all, I love that you are still the same woman who, all those years ago, ran out of a blind date because she simply had to sing.

The hour ended with Jack agreeing to go stay with Miguel (Jon Huertas) for a while. He doesn’t find her – but he does come across Ben. Since the show was already famous and audiences loved it, it gave the viewers flawless opportunity to come up with mysteries and suspense, which were not solved in the first season. But, he hasn’t even told her he quit his job yet.

Rebecca and Jack make it home safely, and nearly immediately get into an explosive argument. She tells Ben she needs to drive Jack home and that her part in the tour is over. Things only get worse from there. Did she really think he liked her singing that much? She says that she has no life (the kids are teenagers, Jack is never home) and accuses Jack of not being supportive of her trying to have one.

We are introduced to Jack’s unstable family life and his hostile relationship with his father. “We love each other”, he reminded her. Considering we know Jack dies around this same time period, he may be tragically wrong about it being the start of their story. Jack’s not there, though. Jack tells Rebecca that him moving out will only be a “blip” on the radar years down the line.

While he gave this powerful speech, we got brief snippets with “The Big Three”, and then that was it.

Jack and Rebecca were destined to be together and their backstory reveals that. It’s just them. And we haven’t seen that before from the two of them. While at the bar, waiting for Daryl to distract the bartender, Jack remembers he has the blind date set up. People have a one-in-a-million shot of making it in the big time as a singer, but Rebecca thought she could do it and damn, she tried. Jack figures the cashier, an older man, will leave the register open when he answers the phone. “Moonshadow” is the song she was singing. The rest is history.


But seriously, if we don’t find out how Jack kicks the bucket in the first half of Season 2, we’re going to be so pissed.

'This Is Us ends a moving season full of loss with an episode that's catching grief