
This is why Hillary Clinton doesn’t use the term ‘radical Islam’

The New Markets Tax Credit was created at the end of the Clinton administration, but not fully implemented until after Republican President George W. Bush took office in 2001, said Brett Theodos, senior research associate at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C.


“• Addressed charges she lied to family members of the four Americans killed in Benghazi by blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim YouTube video: “I understand the continuing of the grief of the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four fearless Americans”. But while advocates of finance reform welcomed Clinton’s aspirations, some said serious questions still trouble her campaign.

Clinton’s proposed new “exit tax” would crack down on USA companies that try to shift profits overseas through “inversion” deals.

“When asked if it was time to declare war on them, Clinton responded, “…I think we need a new update of military authorization, the AUMF [The Authorization for Use of Military Force], which was passed after the attack on 9/11”.

Well, Clinton wrote an op-ed Monday for The New York Times detailing her Wall Street plan-and the senior senator from MA approves.

“Secretary Clinton is right to fight back against Republicans trying to sneak Wall Street giveaways into the must-pass government funding bill”, Warren, a former Harvard Law School professor and long-time consumer advocate, noted on social media.

Jeb Bush, at the same TV show with Clinton, but later on, said that the former Secretary of State’s statement was just a words game.

The Democratic presidential candidate’s plan involves a tax credit for areas that have lost manufacturing jobs, as well as expanding grants and access to capital for smaller manufacturers and startups. Republicans have criticized Clinton’s plans – even the tax breaks – as being heavy on spending and light on specifics.

“I want the Treasury Department to do everything it can to stop that kind of behavior and call it for what it is: gaming the tax system”, she said last month, referring to inversion deals.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Sanders advocates a lot harder actions to interrupt up massive banks and has accused Clinton of being beholden to her giant donors from the monetary sector.

Under Clinton’s plan, companies like Pfizer would be subject to the new tax on foreign earnings. Companies like Facebook, Apple and Google have largely kept silent about encryption and privacy practices since Paris, though it seems unlikely that they’d reverse the increasingly advanced encryption tools they have been adding over the last couple of years.

The U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, of 35 percent.


Clinton’s main rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Sen. A stronger dollar makes USA exports to other countries more expensive and imports to America cheaper.

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