
This May Be The Smartest Way To Destroy Louisiana Planned Parenthood Supporters

On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood honored 16 journalists from such media outlets as Yahoo!, MSNBC, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed and others, according to the Media Research Center. “It was Barack Obama who voted against the Illinois state version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act”, he said.


But state officials say they have not reached an agreement with Planned Parenthood and are still investigating.

This afternoon, while abortion supporters protested outside the Governor’s mansion in Baton Rouge, Jindal set up a huge movie screen and speakers and played on a continuous loop all of the videos released in recent weeks showing the brutality of Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts business. The secretly taped footage included a senior Planned Parenthood doctor discussing the procurement and sale of fetal tissue from aborted fetuses.

Planned Parenthood Gulf States is keeping its options open when it comes to filing a lawsuit against Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration, which has said the healthcare provider will lose its Medicaid funding on September 2.

His letter to her specifically refers to the “Planned Parenthood abortion clinics”.

In the videos, recorded surreptitiously and released by the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood officials talk frankly about the organization’s tissue donation program and the costs associated with donating fetal tissue from an abortion.

It makes the case to support federal funding of Planned Parenthood tough to swallow.

As a result, one out of every five women in the United States has turned to Planned Parenthood at some time in their lives.

Here he is this morning on Fox, relentlessly on message by turning a question about whether “anchor babies” is an offensive term for children of illegal immigrants into an indictment of the left for refusing to use the term “baby” to describe Planned Parenthood’s “specimens”.

Planned Parenthood has even asked a judge on Monday to permit it to continue performing abortions, alleging that the state had all of a sudden changed its definition of first-trimester abortions. “They sidestep and place the focus on their false claims that access to health care will fall apart in Louisiana if Planned Parenthood does not have a Medicaid contract”. Despite what Planned Parenthood contends, abortion procedures, not women’s health, are its lifeblood.

Even our president, who believes abortions should be legal and widely available at all stages of pregnancy, acknowledges that there is a “tradition in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government-funded health care”.


After seeing the fetus, O’Donnell said she was handed scissors “to cut down the middle of the face” in order to obtain brain tissue for medical research. “And there’s no way they would know”, O’Donnell said. “As the most trusted provider of reproductive health care in Utah for nearly 50 years, we’ll continue to fight for all Utahns and their families”.

The Center for Medical Progress Planned Parenthood video