
This Texas delegate is furious with Ted Cruz

“I didn’t do anything”, he said of the retweet, before suggesting it was merely retaliation for a Ted Cruz-allied PAC sending photos of a scantily clad Melania Trump from her modeling career to voters in Utah.


From Libya to Syria, Trump said Clinton’s foreign policy record had made the U.S. less secure, alleging that during her time as secretary of state she allowed the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS).

“I am your voice”, he declared pointing into the cameras, promising a return to more secure times with “millions of new jobs and trillions in new wealth”.

Mica agreed that Trump has seemed to grow his following. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”, he said. “Beginning on January 20th, 2017 (when the next president is inaugurated) safety will be restored”.

He also repeated a promise to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

The party rank-and-file lapped it up, rising to their feet in standing ovation after standing ovation and displaying none of the divisions that have plagued the four-day convention.

For all of Cruz’s dramatics, Trump is still in firm control of the party’s message and its ability to rally its leaders for a tough fight against Hillary Clinton and Democrats. Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, speaking on Fox News Channel, could find no comparison.

Trump painted her as corrupt, incompetent and hopelessly out of touch.

Trump said the administration of President Barack Obama has been weak on crime. It’s not even about Hillary Clinton.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz was booed by the crowd at the Republican National Convention on July 20.

Trump formally won the Republican nomination Tuesday night, with 1,725 delegates.

Trump turned to justifying how, on the eve of the IN primary, he touted a story IN the National Enquirer tabloid that printed a photo that purported to show Cruz’s father, Rafael, with Lee Harvey Oswald.

“Indeed, three days ago I talked on the phone with him and told him, ‘I’m not going to endorse you, ‘” Cruz said. All those positions go against prevailing Republican beliefs.

On Wednesday those doubts were laid bare when his primary rival Ted Cruz pointedly refused to endorse him.

Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s campaign chair, called the popular governor of this key general election swing state “petulant” and “embarrassing to his party in OH”.

“He is color blind and gender neutral”, she said.

She said her father’s greatest “talent is his ability to see potential in people before they see it in themselves”, and said he inspired those around him to “strive for excellence”.

“As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America first, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect”.

But his roller-coaster campaign defeated 16 rivals and steamrolled stubborn party opposition after being written off as a joke. Maybe making that sweet, sweet 0,000 a year as leader of the free world is just the incentive Trump needs to actually crack open his skull like Zeus and birth the answers from his forehead.

He recently hedged on normally sacrosanct support for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies, warning it would depend “if they fulfill their commitments to us”.


Some Americans oppose Trump’s rise, lambasting his controversial campaign statements, which have included calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers whom he would deport if elected president.

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