
This time, an adoring He looks on as She accepts nomination

After putting the “biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet” when Democrats nominated her Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention as the first woman to head a major party ticket, Hillary made headlines everywhere.


The former first lady, USA senator and secretary of state will step out of the shadows of presidents past and present on Thursday for her chance to persuade Americans that she is the best choice to helm a nation looking for a new era of leadership.

Family life: She married hedge-fund manager Marc Mezvinsky, whose mother, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, was a member of Congress. His mother had even fallen on her political sword for Chelsea’s father, casting the deciding vote for President Bill Clinton’s 1993 budget that helped lead to her ouster the next year after a single term.

“She fought for us”, Webb said.

Aides say it’s a problem born out of Clinton’s desire to make her work – and not her personality – the focus. As I looked out onto the moonlit water, tuning in on my old transistor radio (Yankees games would have to wait a couple of weeks), I heard the taunts, the “Lock her up!” chants hurled at Clinton. “It has nothing to do with the 36 years I’ve been so lucky to know my mom, and call her mom”. She has fully embraced being a Clinton and is now deliberately, willfully, on the road to greatness, “Vanity Fair wrote in a profile previous year. This is the core of what her grandmother encouraged her to do: embrace her inheritance”.

Yet even those who have long anticipated this moment wonder whether the true weight of its significance will be felt, or whether Clinton is a bit late to the party. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings. In 2015, she published her first book, titled It’s Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going! aimed at inspiring children to get involved in their communities and the world.

In Washington, she attended the Sidwell Friends School, a private school later attended by President Barack Obama’s daughters. Still, she added, “There’s certainly tremendous intensity around both of our lives right now”.

During the course of her second presidential run, she has sat through hours of town halls, nodding and taking notes as community leaders detailed a litany of problems. Her relationship with India and Indian Americans is well known. Yet in a news conference Wednesday, Trump tried to turn the table on Clinton, saying he believed it unsafe for her to receive national security briefings in light of her mishandling of classified information via email while in office.

And, now she is hoping to make history again, as the country’s first female president.


Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea Clinton, will introduce her mother. “She’s my role model as a mother, she’s my role model as a working mother, and so I just am so grateful that she raised me with unconditional love, but also [by] her magnificent example”.

Democratic convention only