
Thousands Come For Trump In Springfield

The divide in the GOP over how to address issues stemming from illegal immigration spilled over in the fourth Republican presidential debate on Tuesday night.


Trump fired back at him and said, ‘You’re lucky in OH that you struck oil, that’s for one thing’. “And, so, the USA needs to lead across the board”. The wall will be successful. Are there particular parts of the deal that you think were badly negotiated? “I believe in the Second Amendment”.

Trump was similarly magnanimous the previous evening, telling CNN’s Dana Bash immediately after the debate that he thought the moderators were “elegant” and that “they really did a great job”.

‘We are a country of laws. We either have a country or we don’t have a country. We are a country of laws. “We are not going to be the world’s policemen, but we sure as heck better be the world’s leader”.

Said Gray: “I wanted to find people who were excited about supporting Mr. Trump, who are enthusiastic and kind of a different crowd than who usually runs for delegate and alternate”.

He also spoke of the wall he has vowed to build along the border. We need to. We need to control our border just like people have to control who goes in and out of their house. If you want to deal with the four million refugees that are leaving Syria because of the devastation there, then we ought to create safe zones for them to stay in the region rather than go to Europe.

“Think of the children”, he said.

The real estate tycoon and reality TV star said his plan would not result in a humanitarian crisis, and he said numerous deported immigrants would later be invited to re-enter the US through a few type of fancy door. If they have been law-abiding, they pay a penalty. They’ve got to learn our language, set up schools.

“We will have a wall”. Like the tariff, the policy would mostly serve to hamper growth and increase prices, with low-income consumers paying much of the burden.

Asked how the deportation would work in practice, Trump said, “They’re going back where they came”. It’s a silly argument. It is not an adult argument. “It makes no sense”.

Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, was criticised by his rivals, John Kasich and Jeb Bush, saying Trump is impractical and divisive, referring to the immigration plans of Trump. “Are we insane? Our system can’t take it”, Trump said. They came back. Didn’t like it. Moved them way south. They never came back. Dwight Eisenhower. You don’t get nicer.


“Listen, Rachel”, David addressed Cecily Strong as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, “the other candidates, they’re taking millions of dollars from the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil”. We have no choice.

NEW YORK NY- NOVEMBER 03 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a news conference before a public signing for his new book'Crippled America How to Make America Great Again' at the Trump Tower Atrium