
Thousands of Muslims to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan

However, to ensure that the poor in the community are not denied the opportunity to celebrate the day, giving fitra (charity before Muslims go for the morning Eid namaz) is mandatory for those who can afford it.


In the Hijrah lunar calendar, Ramadan is the ninth and considered the most blessed month of the year. “Our prayers are with the hundreds of innocent lives, many of them Muslims, taken during the month of Ramzan in places like Orlando, Istanbul, Dhaka, Baghdad, and Medina”, President Obama said in a statement issued on the occasion of Eid.

The Methodist Church in Fiji wishes the Muslim community “Eid Mubarak”, on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr, the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast marks the end of Ramadan. Many Muslims liken the fasting to a spiritual detox, a way to bring themselves closer to God.

Shia Muslims celebrating Eid and special namaz in Lucknow on Wednesday. Dawoodi Bohras celebrated Eid on Tuesday as they follow the Egyptian calendar.

Newport’s YMCA offers up the venue to Newport Central Jam’e Masjid for every Eid celebration at a reduced fee, and Mr Miah said he thinks this shows the diversity in the city.

Prime Minister Cameroon in his eid address to Muslims in the United Kingdom and the globe said, “I want to send my very best wishes to Muslims at home and around the world celebrating Eid”.

“Having patience in times of mind-boggling attacks against Muslims by so-called Muslims has left a hefty burden on my heart and mind.

Compiled with the growing threat from domestic terrorism that is anti-Islamic bigots attacking American Muslims”.

Indian Ambassador Sanjiv Arora has conveyed his greetings and those of his family and colleagues and best wishes to everyone on Eid-Al-Fitr.

Families will meet up in mosques around Bristol today to greet each other and pray together.


Muslims celebrated in Europe, too.. “Can’t nobody steal my joy”, Ny’imah Crystal Uqadah stated. Time zones can also impact when Eid al-Fitr starts.

President Obama assures protection to American Muslims on Eid