
Thousands of pro-Sanders, anti-fracking marchers hit streets

Wasserman Schultz has been a lightning rod throughout the presidential campaign for criticism from the party’s more liberal wing, with Sanders repeatedly accusing the national party of favoring Clinton despite officially being neutral.


The Democratic National Convention opening Monday in Philadelphia is Hillary Clinton’s chance to hit reset after a vigorous primary against Bernie Sanders and the unlikely movement that formed behind the Vermont senator.

Emails posted to the website Wikileaks show that at least some DNC officials were looking at ways to undercut Sanders’ campaign, including questioning his religious beliefs.

A Clinton aide is quoted by Politico as saying, “We strongly support the unity commission”.

Wagnon added, “If she (Clinton) asked me today what I advise her, I’d tell her, ‘I think you need to clean up your image and talk about what you stand for”.

Sanders pressed for Rep.

Sanders said Wasserman Schultz, a USA representative from Florida, had made the right decision for the future of the Democratic Party.

“I have known Tim Kaine for a number of years”. “Secretary Clinton is going to be that hand and I look forward to making that case for her”.

But for many Sanders’ supporters, that argument isn’t swaying them. And it undermines her claim that her party’s convention would reveal markedly less disunity than the Republican convention in Cleveland last week.

At the Republican convention, Trump cast himself as the law-and-order candidate in a nation suffering under crime and hobbled by immigration, sticking to the gloom-and-doom theme. “It’s shameful that the Clinton campaign – and, it should be said, the Obama White House – served as longtime loyal enablers for such a flagrant abuser of democratic principles”.

Sanders delegates go into this week’s convention in Philadelphia with differing opinions about whether a proposed party platform is progressive enough.

It was unclear whether Wasserman Schultz would have a speaking role at the convention.

Commissioner Richard Ross says “you have to be out there” to show officers, protesters and the public you’re with them.

Wasserman Schultz’s abrupt departure was undoubtedly an effort to keep the Democrats’ gathering from devolving into the tumult that marred last week’s GOP meeting, when runner-up Ted Cruz pointedly and publicly refused to endorse nominee Donald Trump. “And I think these emails reiterate that reason why she should not be chair”. “It proves our point that they’ve tried to marginalize him and make it as hard as possible”.

“The emails have proven the system was rigged from the start”, Manafort told “Fox News Sunday”.

“What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us that Russian state hackers broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying the Russians are releasing these emails for the goal of actually helping Donald Trump”, Mook said on CNN’s “State of the Union”.

How the emails were stolen hasn’t been confirmed.

Fox News did the same with Newt Gingrich earlier this month amid rumors that he was on the shortlist to be Donald Trump’s running mate. She struggled to raise the kind of cash that national party leaders had hoped for, in part because of an outside group set up by President Barack Obama – Organizing for Action – that diverted resources away from the DNC fundraising machine.

After the DNC released a slightly trimmed list of superdelegates – those are the party officials who can back any candidate – it now takes 2,382 delegates to formally clinch the nomination. It came amid a growing drumbeat for her to step aside, including strong pressure from the Clinton campaign, according to a senior Democrat familiar with the negotiations.

Sanders has endorsed Clinton, but his delegates are pushing for a state-by-state tally.

For much of the Sanders hardcore, a small but vocal group that will not vote for Clinton under any circumstances, the real enemy has always been the DNC.


Kaine, a former choir member at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, sang a solo during Communion.

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. march during a protest in downtown on Sunday