
Thousands rally for gay marriage

“We’ve waited long enough”, Morris says in the ad. “Everybody deserves to be equal”.


“Australians are ready for marriage equality and our message to federal politicians is “we can do this”, AME National Director Rodney Croome said.

Ms Aulich said the new online symbol had been designed as a positive move to show celebrants’ willingness to conduct ceremonies before and after Australia’s marriage laws are changed to allow same-sex couples of marry.

This came as up to ten thousand people turned out at rallies in favour of same sex marriage in Sydney, Hobart and Brisbane on the weekend.

Owned and operated by the Snow family, the symbolic gesture by Canberra Airport sees it join the ranks of over 500 nationwide corporate organizations in declaring support for marriage equality.

That marriage equality bill is due to be introduced on August 11, so hopefully we only have to put up with vile garbage like this for a couple more weeks before it sinks into the bin of history where it belongs.

Canberra Airport has been lit up in rainbow colours to greet federal MPs flying into the capital, ahead of the introduction of a cross-party bill to support gay marriage expected this fortnight.

“Tom and Brooke’s marriage in New Zealand was just a simple ceremony where two blokes were able to commit to love and support each other with the full support of their families and the state”, Mr Snow said.

“Equality of same-sex relationships is an issue that is very important for Canberra Airport – not only because we believe that equality is an essential right for our whole community but also because it has a particular personal significance for our family”.

The new logo for marriage celebrants wishing to display their support for marriage equality.

The Veronicas have written an open letter to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott – calling for him to allow same-sex marriage to finally pass.

“This issue should be above politics”, he said.

It has the backing of long-time marriage equality advocate and Liberal backbencher Warren Entsch, and will be co-sponsored by his colleague Teresa Gambaro, and Labor backbencher Terri Butler.

The group, which launched its first television commercial the night before the Sydney gay and lesbian mardi gras, has urged supporters to contact their local MP to keep the current definition of marriage.


While the success of the bill could depend on the timing of debate in the House of Representatives and its the outcome from the Coalition-controlled selection committee, the government could decide to bring on a vote any time.

Celebrities front TV ads for marriage equality