
Threats Toward Milwaukee Officer Involved In Shooting Surge Online

The Milwaukee man who was shot and killed by a police officer – sparking a night of protests and riots – reportedly had a previous connection to the officer who shot him.


Attorney General Brad Schimel says he seeks to complete officer-involved death investigations “expeditiously” so the community gets answers.

Milwaukee defended the actions of the police officer saying Smith had an extensive criminal record and was fleeing the scene with a gun. “Y’all burning down shit we need in our community”.

First identified by media watchdog Newsbusters after which the CNN editing issue began to gain traction, “Twitter users spread clips of a side-to-side comparison to show how CNN chose to ignore the hateful comments and only paint Smith in a positive light”. “Take that s- to the suburbs!”

Sherelle said that she condemned the violence and looting which occurred in the wake of her brother’s shooting.

Dozens of people are posting threatening messages online.

Smith’s death sparked three nights of chaos as protesters marched near Sherman Park as police faced off with demonstrators amid sporadic gunfire and firefighters a spate of house and auto fires.

Describing the edit as a form of shorthanding, Cabrera tweeted an apology of sorts yesterday, but that apparently didn’t go far enough. “Don’t bring that violence here”, Neal, his other sister, said while sobbing. “I don’t want anyone to be violent”. “I regret that second part of her statement was not included”. A photo of the officer also has been made public.

The officer who fatally shot Sylville Smith is also African American and roughly the same age as Smith, Fox6 Now reported.


Shortly after Heaggan’s name was released it became widely shared on social media.

Officer in Milwaukee shooting joined force as teenage aide