
Three Armenian Villagers Killed in Azeri Shelling, Defense Ministry Vows

According to Hajiyev, Armenia deliberately place firing points on civilian objects, from where the positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces are fired, turning civilians into the object of return fire. The incident reportedly occurred in several villages in Tavush region of Armenia near the national border with Azerbaijan.


Two other civilians have been wounded, police say.

“A 70-year-old woman was killed in the village of Paravakar, and two other women, aged 94 and 41, were killed in the village of Berdavan”.

“Shelling from large-calibre mortars” was still continuing on Thursday evening, Agaronyan said.

Attempts of Armenia to escalate tension on the border with Azerbaijan on the eve of the continuation of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly which focuses on the issues of global peace and security and during the talks between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in New York with the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are provocative, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman Hikmat Hajiyev told APA on September 25.

The Armenian Defense Ministry pledged to take “adequate measures” to stabilize the situation on the border.

The two countries are in a lengthy standoff because of Nagorno-Karabakh, a region surrounded by Azerbaijan but controlled by majority ethnic Armenians. “This comes to prove that the military-political leadership of the neighboring country ignores initiatives aimed at peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and periodically destabilize the situation at the line of contact”, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.


Oil-producing Azerbaijan, host to global majors including BP, Chevron and ExxonMobil, frequently threatens to take the mountain region back by force, and is spending heavily on its armed forces.

An elderly woman stands next to a wall damaged by shelling in the Armenian village of Movses close to the border with Azerbaijan