
Three Dead Including Suspect After Armed Robbery on PA Turnpike

Pennsylvania State Police are investigating a fatal armed robbery attempt that occurred Sunday just before 7 the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Fort Littleton Interchange, Exit 180, in Fulton County. They say Briggs also shot and killed a contracted employee, who was working as a security guard at the toll booth, who was also a retired police officer. The suspect was shot and killed. As of yet, authorities not released the names of the victims. A news conference is scheduled at 5 p.m. ET (2100 GMT) on Sunday. He declined to provide additional information.


Coroner Berley Souders confirmed that three people were dead, and his office was waiting for a forensic team from state police.

“On behalf of my fellow Turnpike commissioners and everybody in the PA Turnpike family, we are all deeply saddened by this horrific tragedy”, Turnpike Commission Chairman Sean Logan said in a statement. The state police in Everett is leading the investigation. A toll booth operator might have been killed in relation to the reported robbery, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


The Fort Littleton exit is located in Fulton County less than 15 miles east of the Breezewood exit.

Two Pennsylvania Turnpike workers were killed during an armed robbery at a toll booth on Sunday morning. The gunman was killed in a shootout with state troopers shortly after