
Three months leave for victims of sexual harassment: Government

A new survey that quizzed 1,500 women found that 30 per cent had been subjected to unwelcome jokes and 25 per cent had experienced unwanted touching.


Almost a quarter (24%) of those who did not report abuse said it was because they felt that they would not be believed or taken seriously and 20% said they were too embarrassed.

More than half of women and almost two-thirds (63%) of women aged 18-24 years old have experienced sexual harassment at work, according to a new research from the TUC, the national trade union centre in the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the Everyday Sexism Project. “Until we tackle sexual harassment in the workplace our society and our economy will suffer”, Walker continued.

“Many people would like to think that workplace sexual harassment is a thing of the past. Victims are often left feeling ashamed and frightened”, said TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady in a statement issued today. “Women don’t feel they are able to come forward, and when they do, it isn’t being dealt with at all”.

“We would ask individuals, both male, female or non-binary, to encourage their employers to sign up to Bristol Zero Tolerance, so that they can help contribute to a better working environment without fear of harassment nor the fear of repercussions if they report harassment”.

Party leader Sophie Walker said: “The situation is disgraceful”.

The TUC said sexual harassment at work took many forms, from suggestive remarks, jokes about a colleague’s sex life and circulating pornography, to inappropriate touching, hugging or kissing, or demands for sexual favours. “No woman should face sexual harassment, but sadly this research suggests that it’s an all too common experience”.

“It’s so pervasive because it isn’t being talked about”, Laura Bates, founder of Everyday Sexism, told Reuters.

She said: “In reality, it is alive and well, and having a huge impact on tens of thousands of women’s lives”.

“These findings reveal the shameful extent of the problem and the reality of the touching, unwanted advances and inappropriate comments women find themselves confronted with while simply trying to do their jobs”.


“Maybe it’s happening on email or social media – but it’s still harassment and it still has a really humiliating effect on people experiencing it. Employers need to do much more – it is clearly a huge problem. [Employers] should take steps to make clear what sort of behavior would be considered sexual harassment and to ensure all staff are trained to recognize unwanted behaviours and to act appropriately”.

A study finds that 52 percent of British women experienced unwanted sexual behavior at work