
Three vehicles appear to levitate and crash on a China road

The two vans and a auto are travelling along a road in Xingtai in central China, Nine News reported.


Without warning the two vans and the sedan are lifted up to a metre off the ground, with one or two sets of wheels left touching the asphalt.

Another day, another thing confusing the internet.

It nearly looks like a supernatural incident when the vehicles fly in the air and flip completely.

Confused pedestrians can be seen stepping back from the cars however as they swing in the air before they later approach to check up on the drivers.

Watchers noted that a cable lying across the road had been caught in the sweeper’s mechanism stretching it tight and catching and raising the passing vehicles. And no one is injured in this peculiar incident.

Watch the freaky moment where three vehicles apparently levitate from the ground for no reason, on a busy road.

The video has been viewed more than 20,000 times since appearing online and a number of people have attempted to offer an explanation as to what may have happened.


But the viewers are divided over the odd footage, with many offering their theories behind the apparent levitation.

The bizarre moment three cars 'LEVITATE' in the road at a busy junction - but