
Tim Kaine accepts Democratic nomination for Vice Presidential

Precisely. People are not likely to ask that question again.


But Clinton, at a Florida rally last weekend introducing her vice presidential pick, said Kaine was a can-do progressive who is ready to “step into this job and lead from Day One”.

Clinton is due to give a speech to delegates Thursday night at the grand finale of a contentious convention. For her part, Clinton referred to her new running mate as “everything Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not”, as well as “a progressive who likes to get things done”.

Kaine led off by referencing his son in the military to attack Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw from our expensive and questionably beneficial membership in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. “I may not call you a name, but I might call what you propose all kinds of names”, Kaine told the Missouri delegation.

If you close your eyes, it sounds a lot like Trump, doesn’t it? “But you might have noticed, he has a habit of saying the same two works right after he makes his biggest, hugest promises”. You guys know the words I mean?

Kaine’s allies say his record must be judged in totality.

“Believe me? Believe me?”. Trump has since said he was being sarcastic when he made the remarks about Russian Federation. We’re gonna defeat ISIS so fast, believe me.

“‘Believe me?’ Here’s the thing”.

Kaine also said he continues to support the Hyde Amendment, which bans using taxpayer dollars for abortion.

Kaine added, “By the way, does anybody in this massive auditorium believe that Donald Trump has been paying his fair share of taxes?” Of course he should.

“Hey Donald, what are you hiding”, he said. “And yet Donald still says believe me. He just says, ‘Believe me'”.

“.So a general gets on, sent obviously by Obama, and he said, ‘Mr”.


“To me, to me, it just seems like our nation it is just too great to put it in the hands of a slick-talking, empty-promisin’, self-promotin’ one-man wrecking crew”, Kaine said tonight. “Take it from first lady Barbara Bush”, Kaine said, before later citing John Kasich’s absence at the GOP convention in Cleveland. She said she didn’t know how any woman could vote for him after his offensive comments.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Democratic vice presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine take the stage at a campaign rally in Miami